Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tooth Abscess On Implant Tooth

Examinando a los humanos.

Examining humans.

Part I ~ how change to arrive at what we call maturity.

remember when you were 10?
do you think you've changed a lot?
do you feel the same way when you were that age?
what do you think will be in 10 years?

-> oo
Senko 10 years? ... even if it was in primary school if I remember xD?
in 11 years, I admit, I am another person
no, at 10 years life had been like xd
At 31 ya trabajando...espero q el caracter regrese a como era antes *o sea menos... raro XD* igual amante del manganime y...o.o quizas casada, con hijos no estaria mal...

-> Alekz
bastante o.o
nop o.o, muy diferente pienso y siento
*un viejo en todos los aspectos o.o

-> Ann
algunas cosas
no lo sé XD

examinando a tres personas, una chica de 21 (senko) una de 17 (ann) y un chico de 22 (Alekz), nos damos cuenta de cómo afecta el tiempo, el espacio y lo que había mencionado “la madurez”, a algunos nos va coming from 15 or 16 years, others take time, as well as to 20 others as special, does not reach us!.

what I mean?, That people will not accept them or let them mature so famous are the tried and noted by the simple fact of being different. Is this bad, the answer is NO!.

's not bad to be different, the bad is how you show the world how different you are in an aggressive or psychotic.

and you, what do you think?

Looking to humans. Part I ~ how  we switch to reach what we call maturity.

Remember when you were 10?
Do you think you've changed a lot?
Do you feel the same way when you were that age?
How do you think will be in 10 years?

-> Senko

-o.o 10 years? ... even if it was in elementary school, yes I remember, for?
-in 11 years, I admit, I'm a different person
-no, a 10-year lifetime was equal to xd
-At age 31 and working ...I hope than return the character as it was before * or less ... weird XD * manganime lover like and. .. maybe married with children would not be bad ...

-> Alekz

-quite o.o
-nop o.o very different I think and feel
-an old man in all aspects o.o

-> Ann

-some things
-I do not know XD

examining three people, a girl of 21 (Senko) a 17 (ann) and a 22 (Alekz), we realize how it affects the time, space and what he had mentioned the "maturity" to some is coming to us from 15 or 16 years, others take time, as to 20 others as special, does not reach us!.

What I mean: that people will not accept them or let them mature so famous are the tried and noted by the simple fact of being different. Is this bad? ", The answer is NO!.

It's not bad to be different, the bad is how you show the world that are so different in an aggressive manner or psychotic.

so, what do you think?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kia Sportage Seatbelt Locking Up

names to go with us to go with us

Christmas carols

Silent Night Silent Night, night of faith
Bethlehem portal
full of love songs sweet songs to redeeming
born tonight
the most beautiful that the sun

Silent Night , Holy Night in Bethlehem

awakening of Mary a rose bloomed portal
and lights in his honor

praise the Lord for He is the son of God
Night, night of faith
the stable in Bethlehem
Archangels will come also

singing praises to God throughout the world at his feet
that the Lord is born

You Me And Dupree Kate In A Bikini Song


The road to Bethlehem
down into a valley to the snow covered.
The shepherds want to see their king, they bring gifts
in his humble wallet
the Redeemer, the Redeemer.
I wanted to put your feet
a present that pleases Sir,
but You already know I'm poor too,
and do not have more than an old drum.
(rom pom pom pom, pom pom pom rom)
aIn your honor against the portal
'll play with my drum!

The road to Bethlehem
I mark with my old drum,
nothing is better than I can offer,
su ronco acento es un canto de amor
al Redentor, al Redentor.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Is My 50cc Scooter Making Noises

What is Christmas?

What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, the value of the present and hope for the future. It is the sincere wish that every cup will overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path will lead us to peace.