Monday, February 16, 2009

How Long Until The Food Allergy Symptoms Show

The petition to God in heart

let me escape and criminal liar illusion of happiness! Give me work, fatigue, pain and excitement.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Punch Shoe Stretcher How To Use

brocopi @ 2009-02-14T04:29:00

well .. ^ - ^ These are some avatars I designed
Shige I leave if you want more leave comment ..
or want from other members of
NEWS (Yamashita much!)

^ - ^ Are some avatars this That I edit,
well I leave this here and more
If u want please coment.
or if u want members of Others say
NEWS me.
(of Yamashita Are a lot)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Want To Buy Mahindra Bolero

To complete entries I have published in these last hours, I am here in many little inn writing to you my faithful readers of the last or first day as com interpret the fact that midnight has arrived. It is in this post where I want to introduce some beautiful and quite long include poems that evoke the beauty of words, but this time not overload them with my thoughts let me introduce you to these poems.


foolish men who accuse women without reason, without seeing that you
the same thing as you blame.
If you importune unparalleled
do you want me to do good,
if incite them to evil!

batter her resistance and then, with gravity, lightness

say that was what made the seizure.

Looks like the boldness,
of your sound crazy,
the child that makes a bogeyman, and then

You want to find a foolish presumption that seek, for alleged
, Thais, and the
Lucretia. What

honor can be more extraordinary than
stupefied, he

tarnish the mirror and feel it is not clear?

disdain for and you have equal status,
whimper if you treat them badly,
sneer if you've been. Opinion

no wins,
since the most is modesty,
if you do not support, unresponsive, and if you support
is light.

you walk Ever so foolish,
that with unequal
a cruel you blame for
and another for being too easy.

How then has to be tempered
your love which seeks
whether it is thankless offends
and it's easy to get angry? Your amorous

their restraint, and after making
the wish to find very good.

What greater guilt wrong
is a passion, which falls

entreaty or praying to fall?

or what is more to blame, although
do ill,
sins for pay or who pays for sin?

Well, what I espantáis
of guilt you have

Love women do or make of them what you can like. Let

and then with more reason, accuse the inclination

regardless of which I beg.

weapons I well know that your arrogance
as in promises and come together
devil, flesh and world.

(Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz)

White you love me you love me

dawn foam
I want, I want pearl
. What is lily

above all, caste.
faint perfume.
closed corolla

Not a moonbeam filtering
I have. Not a margarita

will tell my sister you love me
white snowy
you love me, you love me
caste. Thou

hubiste all the cups in hand, fruit and honey

purple lips.
Thou that at the banquet
branches covered with meat left

celebrating Bacchus.
You, who in the gardens of Deception black

red dress ran to Havoc. You

, the skeleton preserved intact

still do not know by what miracle, I intend

white (God forgive you) I intend to breed

(God forgive you) I intend

Flee to the woods, go to the mountain
wipe your mouth
live in the cabins;

touch with your hands wet ground;

feeds the body with bitter root;
baby rocks;
sleep on frost

renewing tissues with salt and water;

talk to the birds and get up at dawn. When the meat

you are tornadoes,
and when you put in them the soul

alcoves that remained tangled
then, good man, preténdeme
white, snowy preténdeme
preténdeme caste.

(Alfonsi Storni)

is with these two beautiful poems as I finish my evening to write to you my convoluted thoughts. Alfonsina Storni and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz are the authors of such moving poems directed towards the male, who at that time limited to female as to what could and what I should ; an do as gender. Both poems reflect feelings against the opposite gender, creating a struggle between the sexes. the semejansas not only are the subject of the poems but also come to be linked through the authors whom such housing situations for which these poems have much in the subject semejansas as the reason. Despite the difficulty of both read and understand the language of both poems, once fully understood after reviewing is when one gives much of the harmony of words which could not be accommodated hberse best way to evoke this beauty .

is how I conclude my evening escibirles my loyal readers a word of wisdom, so I retire for some time in the garden of Eden of World Literature focused on Latin American literature, I hope I come soon to write to you my subjects readers and followers of the word of wisdom.

Oyasumi Nasai (Japanese pronunciation of Good Night)
they wrote their leader and preacher The Supreme Pigeon word of wisdom

Sources Used for the realization of this entry:
http: / / 20Storni & t = T% C3% BA% 20mē% 20quieres% 20blanca

http://www.palabravirtual .com / index.php? go = ver_voz1.php & wid = 418 & p = 20Juana% Sr.% 20in% C3% A9s% 20of% 20the% 20Cruz & t = Redondilla% 20 (Men% 20necios% 20to% 20acusais .. .)

Comic Book Wedding Program

And Pigeons declining to Heaven ... Start at the cominezo

Frankly, dear readers of this miniscule cyberspace, not passing posr their minds by reading the titles on this server, dementia, insanity or what has this humble scribe of the network will have to accept that they have not read anything like this in any other blog you have ever seen. To continue this project of writing entries in this blog, go to next harmonious and beautiful set of ideas evoked in my mind that through this medium pair plasmeo you my subjects and faithful readers of the word.

into 2009 AD (DC) begins a new cycle, starting new lives and above all begin a new semester in which the server attends institudo to gain knowledge for the journey of life. In this half of January to May 2009, in the field of Language and Literature with the educator Maria Teresa Delgadillo presented the work we create this cyberspace is now where you discover the purpose of this, his blog. This blog was created to not only meet their prayers and supplications of having to read something unusual but was created for the purpose of using Information Technologies for education and exchange of ideas, views and opinions related to the topics reviewed in class.

is in this class where students every day as your server and like many other young people not only at home but are silent on the subjects taught in so fascinating but so discredited as it is the language. The same language we use to communicate is that, that we overlook, that once learned is not improved, is that which teaches us its beauty with a subtle and delicate.

Poetry from the Greek .- Poiesis: The beautiful and emotional aspect of things. this form of expression is based on images that evoke the words arranged in a certain lever emanating beauty. In both Latin American poetry was, is and will being one of the most beautiful from the point of view of their server, but there's anyone who dares to contradict this since there are no better representatives of this than the English American poets. Clear example of this there are many talented and excellent representatives of the Hispano-American poetry, with its beautiful and touching lines, loaded and full of feeling our feelings sprout buried in the depths of our being.

The Phoenix of Mexico, The Tenth Muse or Sor Juna Inés de la Cruz is a fine example of what dedication and the desire to transcend into a world ruled by the male gender can for the love of language and its emotional aspect. Despite all the obstacles that were presented to Juana Inés Ramírez Asbaje and she was able to transcend and become a figure of the greatest American literature of the seventeenth century, showing that interest has feet despite the circumstances that went through in Mexico in the XVII century, was so in the world with few opportunities where I get to write poems quatrains as recognized as representing the Baroque style and distinguished poems which are now remembered and studied because of their importance.

On the other side is Juan Ramón Jiménez, poet españolque mainly represents the modernist, with poems that came to be important in the symbolist poets because his poetry contained great feeling inclined to melancholy. Despite what others may say the animals escrcibir poems as it was Platero these poems still show still evoking feelings and emotions, which is categorizing them as poems.

As my dear readers may have noticed this tiny blog in the cyber space, the language is essential to our daily communication and better if it is modified and evoke feelings. For a moment imagine communicate with poetry, it would fabulous, so it is this way these Hispanic authors and poets contributed their part to beautify our language, the four rather than express ideas, express feelings.

farewell for the time your Server and Monarch The Pigeon Mayor

dewa kills Japanese pronunciation nochihodo

U-verse Delete Recordings

First Blog, First post, might have been a good start, but NO!

Why is it that the author and not used anything else like these famous sobredetodas blogs and things are not out to create this type of cyber space ......

Although by this means the reader can not be much of the time it took the author to write this post, I note that among the first paragraph (if two lines can call it that) and the second paragraph (this one) your server has taken more than 1 hour in writing it. Maybe it's the general disinterest, perhaps because I find other more productive things to do or maybe it's my inability to communicate through this electronic medium, four is the cause of the delay in writing this, my first I also noticed my entry enthusiasm to continue writing (It is in the reader's sense of this last sentence) so my little ones readers to your server when it timed to continue this small ; to but fascinating experience of writing the tiny of many more entries that will come with time.

For the time being fired and Upper Monarch Loyal Pigeon