Sunday, July 25, 2010

Snowmobile Truck Rack

tarkiana @ 2010-07-25T20:20:00

The Rebirth of a Shadow

was a strange night, as every day I went to bed early and fell into a deep sleep, but this was no normal from the beginning: " back to me, evil Shadow, your suffering agoníay time has come to an end " I heard in my mind I thought to myself awakening a dark force resurgent asleep with burning pain from my heart with anger dying. I woke up after endless minutes or so at least I thought, but actually seemed like hours.

I sat in bed, trying to step back and remember everything that had happened, because I did not feel the dream as an unpleasant nightmare.

Something was not right, I felt a cold presence in the room with me. I looked around, but only managed to glimpse a strange object at the foot of my bed. I went cautiously and saw that it was only apparently a wooden box, though somewhat peculiar action. I knelt beside her as she spread my arms around it, pick it up and watch with amazement its light weight compared to its size.

I placed gently on the bed as he gazed with curiosity and again I felt that presence, that did not seem so cold, but anxious.

I began to doubt whether my senses, perhaps, would have been blunted by the moments before I woke up, but quickly rejected that assumption, while directing my gaze to the black desktop, brand, stood in one of the walls of the room. My interest is focused on one of their little boxes with handle, ring-shaped, which opened with care to take a small tape measure.

I set out to measure the box, as its length was incredible, as I wondered how he could reach me without noticing anything about who had left or when.

could not believe what the meter told me: 172cm long!, After a moment of doubt, confirms that the measure was correct and I decided to measure its width: 35cm and its height: 20cm. I decided to leave the tape on the same site where I took it and went back to the strange case, to study more closely.

visual Initially, I did not feel any lock or mark, which would indicate whether it might be open, so my hand went right into the wide part of the same, if you have any dust that prevent me from seeing some mechanism. With delicacy and softness, I was sliding from the top of it until the end. Again that eerie feeling filled me completely, but this time it was an anguish of uncontrollable desire. I could not understand was happening to me, it seemed as if all those feelings come from within myself.

" Close your eyes, relax and rest your hands gently on the box, never fear, you'll be back "

again the voice of my dream, but now he was awake, " how was that possible?. I did as I said, I closed my eyes, I relaxed and breathing gently inspiring and put my hands on the box. In just a moment, I felt like the box is opened first and then two clicks were perceived as the top of said rose. I opened my eyes to the warning that this was pulling back, falling across the bed, directly on the floor. Remained the same and only the bottom, having lost the rest of them.

What kind of magic was that? not yet felt any fear at what he was happening. Puzzled, hallucinated, I can not define how I felt when I saw what was before me, what's inside that mysterious box. Clearly

like a sword, but it was so strange, never heard or seen anything like it.

After a few minutes, I had to return my gaze to the desk drawer in search of black again metric meter. Once was in my power, I began to measure what my eyes showed.

How would you describe? And who would be able to handle a weapon of this caliber? the blade was extremely long, straight, double edged, uniform, with a circular guard from the tip to the same, had 65cm, it seemed that all out of steel but could not be sure, measured nothing less than 130cm! and its width was 25cm!.

then proceeded to calculate the measurements of your grip, this was somewhat unusual, since, among other things, had no handle and was trimmed in red leather and black. Media 36cm, with 29cm diameter circular and its rising on page 4 cm. Without touching it, I managed to deduce that it was necessary to be held with four hands!. At its top, note the presence of two jet-black oval stones, each one located on the front and back, and that rose slightly from the underside of the box and I could see dimly the hue of the other stone. At the bottom, note the presence of six round stones blood red, located at the same time, as above, but this time, three on the front and three on the back of it.

observe a small hole into the grip, next to the road, close to the black stone visible. In turn, distinguish the sobrerelieve of a snake coiling from the red rocks, along the other side of the handle and rising towards the black, warning that it is divided, in what appears, two heads, one to the visible and the other towards the back of the sheet.

I notice some anomalies in the base of the handle, and that showed what appeared to be, a horizontal opening, without seeing any other visible income.

I proceed to catch it with both hands, with some fear, for possible excess weight, but to my surprise, it is light. What most strikes me is the perfect balance between the excessive length of the blade and the wide grip. An orgy of blood, pain, death and uncontrollable desire, fill me with an indescribable pleasure.

Something seems to arise before my eyes, or is my mind that is me playing a trick?

" mangy dogs dare you get up against my Lady, your boldness will pay with your pathetic life, the blood will run in this dark Diaye delight me ! I scream with such force and energy that I seem to contemplate the fear in his eyes and smiled Machiavellian.

are alone, as far as the eye can see me, three thousand souls condemned to suffer my wrath, in the sole name of my Lady and her owner.

Behind me, there are only seven hundred souls cursed and after them, my Lady, guarded by six Damas Negras, his bodyguard, skilled in handling all types of weapons and expert riders.

The sun seems to cloud and looked up, but they are only arrows, grab my gun firmly with his right hand and I hope they reach their peak, running towards the prisoners.

feel the wind in my face and dropping the deadly arrows behind me. I am your only goal. Our men are firm in their position, as ordered.

call me the Shadow, that is the name that I imposed the same scoundrels who before me, are presented in this battle and we will gladly I accepted. Nobody, apart from my lady, she knows my beautiful face. Both are united by a strange bond of knowledge of our darkest desires and thoughts, so I became his most faithful guardian and protector.

are just a few paces from me, do not move, the fear has stopped and I feel the tremble of her legs, the terror of his eyes and smiled.

Strengthening the left leg on the cold floor to take a big leap and download the wrath of my sword on them.

His pathetic wooden shields merge into the torn flesh, twenty of them have already fallen to my hurt. Without giving them time to breathe, I make my way among their ranks, with a powerful spin move to my left and download my long blade killing any hope of survival.

hear their cries of pain, excites me. A cicuentena of souls, have fallen at my feet. And stand aside to avoid being hit by my anger. It's time to discover the game of my bloody sword.

slide my hand to the top of the pulse itself and the two black stones in the hilt, while that with a sudden movement, the push up to the stop marked on the edge, revealing a second blade was concealed, sliding down the bottom of it.

I see stupor, still paralyzed, I hope not, I attack.

With a move like the blades of a windmill, release the two sheets, on which are around me. No longer count the dead. Some, terrified, drop their weapons and tried to flee but soon fall under the yoke of death.

His blood splatters my body disgusting. The sharp leaves her weak tear necks and chests, arrived after half. I rejoice at so much death.

The delirium of their lives at my feet, I do not feel the steel that goes through my left side. Who dares such daring, died in terrible agony.

I see a shadow approaching me, is Death, come find me.

No time to lose, I go back and run in the direction of our men, who ordered set foot on land, protected by their shields and spears at the ready position for pleasure strung. For the archers, I give precise orders de colocarse en dos hileras para que disparen sus mortíferas saetas sobre los cuerpos del enemigo en dos tiempos, pero de forma continuada, para no dejarles respirar. La infantería se quedará en retaguardia.

Oigo gritos a mi espalda y el retumbar del suelo. El enemigo se acerca embravecido por la posible victoria. No queda tiempo que perder. Me acerco lo mas rápidamente a mi Señora. Pongo un pie en tierra, delante de su negra montura, mientras agacho la cabeza y pongo mi doble espada a sus pies. En mi mente solo unas palabras retumban: Os hago entrega de mi arma, os ruego que jamás caiga en manos de esos indeseables.

I get up and looked up at one of the Damas Negras, deliver me by ordering his two swords, so caring, does.

I turn to, in a last breath, to fight till the last final of my life. I run towards my men. I realize that the archers and are sinking their deadly arrows upon the enemy, which falls flooding the battlefield with their bodies.

A voice behind me, is she who ordered my gun will be delivered.

Bastards have reached our men, causing the first casualties. The searing pain in my side paralyzed me. I can not go. I see death coming at times. I refuse to die. I think I hear the rumble of hooves behind me.

Open to me step-wisely to say. The infantry still remained in the rear, is the first in giving me a path, while that on the run, scream with unbridled rage and cruel. Archers and spearmen finally, close ranks behind my progress.

I do not expect to see the faces of such cowards. Time is short. Without grief, I killing everyone who stands in my way. I feel a snort with me. recognize the snake-shaped brocade. It is my Lady. I'm not alone. Never have been.

forces and sink drop me a sword in the barren land. I try to stand up leaning on the pommel. He looked up and fail to see how they run as if possessed, the survivors of those who stood against her.

legs fail me, I can no longer hold firm and fall on my knees. I make one last effort to get up, but it is useless. The view is clouded me. Fall collapsed on the floor. I do not feel pain.

Am I dead? -I-but the only response I get is to see Death beside me.

perceive as a sinking hand under my body and I lifted. I seem to take on wings, but where? I ask myself.

Where am I? -Wisdom to ask. There is something hard and cold beneath me. I hear nothing around, just a deafening silence. No, I think I hear a door opens and a few steps closer to where I am.

notice that someone removes the mask that covers my face. Only one person has power to do so, my Lady.

I feel what seems to be the lips brushing mine. They are sweet and warm. I like it - I think.

Now, take my right hand and places it on something cold. Hit to believe that my own sword.

His lips seem to be slipping into my ear and say clearly hear: She will bring you back. Did anything that could be heard?

Anyone had asked what he meant by those words, but I do not. I knew that my Lady was the only familiar with the darker magic. She hoped, as it did for me many times.

There seems to be no longer around me. Only empty, darkness "

It was a strange presence, next to me, what I had felt. Now I understood all the feelings that he had seen. The sword was calling me and I could not quite wake up from my slumber, until now.

knew what I had to do. Split the edge on my left hand. I was not surprised that not one drop of blood fall onto the bed.

I saw how bloody wound like a river, into the recess visible at the top of the handle and the two jet-black stones began to glow. Representing my Lord and his faithful servant, known as the Shadow. No hence the trip out. The two snake heads began to glow with a soft reddish color and his body twisted to reach the six blood red stones, which symbolized the Damas Negras.

still holding my right hand, I found myself transported to a dim fríay room, dimly lit by a torch parecíaa point of consumption. Do not know how much time had passed. Came from a world full of tecnologíay I was in my home again. Perhaps, the torch began to illuminate this room when they left my inert body here and only had spent a few hours since then.

diverted my attention and I glimpsed the cold slab, the steel helmet adorned with a beautiful mask, sent expressly for me to do for her. I walked up and placed me in the head. I noticed that he no longer had any injury to my side, and the court just a few minutes ago, I had done in his left hand. I realized

that my Lord gave me the great honor of my body lain in the grave reserved exclusively for her.

I left that place and went, but no one in my step, until the Great Hall, from which, my Lord led his reign with great intelligence, apart from a large cruelty and all the evil that his mind could conceive.

I worried about the appearance of the hallways of the facility, I just wanted to introduce myself to her.

opened the door and looked with his eyes in the back of the room. There he was, sitting on her throne of stone, adorned with the skulls of some unhappy. Above it, stood his standard glorious: a snake coiled on itself, from the tail to half his body and then divided into two heads.

glimpsed, as I approached, the surprised face of Damas Negras and how, with a slight movement of his head, looked at her, no response.

Once I was in front of her, only I managed to say in my mind: "I walked time and cheated death. Here I am again my Lady to serve you whatever your will "

His short answer was sweet to my ears and I thought I glimpsed a faint smile as he said:" Come, come and take your place " ;.

To which I replied, while my head tilted to the right, while the slightly fell down: "Yes, my Lady."

And I placed, as he had done many times, standing at the right hand of the throne.


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