Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Does Miralax Taste Like


English words that define male homosexuality.

When Hispanic interviewee wants to say something about homosexuality men, it can be expressed in the form of varying degrees of politeness.

Creo que tu sobrino es gay : it seems your nephew - was gay. in modern English, this blueprint to the English words as popular and understandable, as in Russian.

Creo que tu sobrino es algo marica : it seems your nephew freak
word Marica , goes to a popular biblical name of Mary, that is, in a word Marica is an indication of the womanhood of the described person.

Mariquita [Mariquita] (ladybug), mariposa [Mariposa] (Butterfly) Words seem derivatives on behalf of Maria, a definition of something asexual, gentle, fragile often used to describe the alleged homosexual men.

Transformation words marica in maricón .

Definition maricón (fag) - pejorative for men who are often perceived as an insult, indicates not only on the femininity and formally on the size (cf. lima-limón , sala-salón , esquadra-esquadrón , etc.), as well as to the alleged propensity for sodomy (el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española la edición vigésimo segunda, de 2001)

although there are cases of almost neutral consumption: no llorés, Ignacio, no seas un maricón not cry, Ignacio, do not be a crybaby.

there is another word for male homosexuality, it is rooted not in the individual characteristics, and intended place of habitation, or spending time, this word playo (for example, the one on the beach)

Es todo un playo, siempre anda en los lugares de lujo y no quiere conocer a sus vecinos

Yes this freak, always goes to the prime locations and do not want to know their neighbors.

Evfemizmom words playo word is plátano , in a neutral speech indicates the sort of big banana, usually used in fried or boiled.

obvious that the word plátano an association with a form of sexual member.

To reduce the pejorative, a word playo often substituted for the word pájaro [Ploughman] (poultry) - something asexual and strange.

But nota bene: el pájaro gordo - the same thing that in Russian "nob", that is important context of what was said.

To avoid direct definition, as well as the word for emphasis pájaro in turn replaced word pluma (pen)

Creo que se le ve la pluma a tu sobrino : think of your nephew can see the pen, Creo que tu sobrino tiene pluma : think of your nephew - the pen. But that is not "pen", which put their Russian villain in the ribs, it's a feather - a sign of something air, light and ethereal.

Creo que tu sobrino pierde el aceite : think your nephew is losing oil. Allusion to the alleged slackness anal sphincter of homosexuals. In Russian there is a similar expression: "in his ass does not hold water," but it seems not about homosexuality but about the talkativeness.

probably listed definitions do not exhaust the rich vocabulary that defines male homosexuality in English.

But can able to fill these gaps in the conversation?

Ricardo block

Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog Moving To Canada From Uk

Dictionary edition "El País" gives the word "homosexual" as synonym to the word "bugger"

Network Dictionary popular daily newspaper "El País" to the word "pederasta" (besides "pedófilo" "paidófilo") gives its list of synonyms of the word "homosexual", "invertido (inverted)", "sodomita" y "marica" (homo). As an antonym for this to him, however, is the word "heterosexual"!

it anyway, big mistake, especially given the seriousness of this publication: if it is done deliberately so, by entrenched homophobia. If not, then it is strange that those responsible for the tool that the very publication of "El País" touts as "Product of Santillana *" (editorial, belonging to the same corporate group) did not examine carefully the contents of the program.

Although this case is the most serious, there is in this dictionary, and other dubious examples.

The mere fact that the dictionary offers as a synonym for the word "homosexual" (in addition to the word "gay"): "marica" (homo), "invertido" (inverted), "sarasa" (Sissy) y "de la otra acera "(across the street), without understanding, at least offensive or derogatory nature of these terms.

Dictionary also offers "lesbiana", although this word is at last place, for others "as synonyms. The word "lesbiana", as the key, however, does not even appear in the dictionary ... Everything pertaining to lesbians invisible what?

disturbing as the fact that the vocabulary of "El País" still defines matrimonio "(marriage) as any of the following three values:

" Unión de un hombre y una mujer que se comprometen mediante determinados ritos o formalidades legales a vivir juntos "(Union men and women who take charge through certain ceremonies or legal formalities, to live together),

"Pareja que forman el marido y la mujer" (The pair, which is formed husband and wife)

and En la religión católica, sacramento que da un carácter sagrado y perpetuo a esta unión (In Catholicism, the sacrament which makes the sacred and permanent the union)

And no mention of same-sex marriage pairs, already adopted in several countries (at the moment - in seven countries) and in six U.S. states, in accordance with legal regulations. Although this value has already stated in a much more prestigious dictionaries, such as María Moliner (English) or Merriam-Webster (in English).

* (El nombre de Santillana, vinculado a los libros de texto, está presente en todo el ámbito de la lengua española, tanto en Spain and Latin America. From the first moments of entering the educational publishing world, more than 40 years, Santillana has been synonymous with quality, innovation and service to teachers and escuela.Nuestros editorial teams have incorporated into their way of making capacity interpret the needs of different educational situations and to formulate responses tailored to very different circumstances.) http://www.santillana.es/quienes.html?id=quienes&lang=es

http://www.dosmanzanas .com/2009/09/el-diccionario-online-de-el-pais-ofrece-homosexual-como-sinonimo-de-pederasta.html

Перевод: Ricardo block

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Can Spinal Stenosis Paralyze You

all parties involved in e-business received by e-points!


(hear obstsentnuyu vocabulary where it also does not smell) .

Learn English often touched by the abundance of English is quite neutral words, in Russian did not sound very decent.

Not sure whether you want to specifically give the novice to learn English words, but I know that they in connection with its emotional coloring, memorized immediately and the rest of your life.

everything related to "buckle" begins with emotional perceptual Russian root "ebi":

hebilla [ebiyya] buckle
hebillaje [ebiyyahe] - all accessories related to the buckle
hebillero [ebiyero] - manufacturer of buckles
hebijón [ebihon] - shpinek (On buckle)

not want to discuss is banal pseudo-English phrase, known to almost all students: en el julio ojuelos para mi nieta ... [En el Julio oheelos couple Mi Nieto]. It seems a English non-existent.

Although in principle, "my granddaughter," so be it: mi nieta , very productive for the construction of the phrase sounded funny in Russian phrases.

Pedirás a mi nieta que te compre una hebilla después de perder el hebijón en la joyería .
[pedirAs a mi niet te ke kompre despues de una ebiya perder el ebihon en la Hoer] - ask my granddaughter, so bought the buckle after losing the peg in the jewelry store. Bizarre sounds.

Sometimes it's like to name Gomez [Gomes].

In the same context as perceived by a female name Ivon , when I present my Russian roommate: doña Ivon [dona ibon], it is the first time raises a smile. The neighbor's daughter is Jovana [DzhObana] is always a cue: so small, and already Dzhobana.

How nice that they do not know what we meditate!

Juez [huEs] judge, they really are full of huesami, but with huesami trifled with.

incidentally, about a joke: a friend of mine, a former student UDNa and says: "I'm terrible fleas!

juicio [huIsio] - judgments, condemnation

prejuicio [prehuIsio] - Prejudice

julepear [hulepeAr] punish, reprimand

"El Juez de apellido Gomez tenía muchos prejuicios contra las mujeres
[El huEs apeyIdo Gomes de muchos tenIa prehuIsios contra las muhEres] The judge's last name Gomez had a lot of prejudice against women.

phrase generally neutral, but try to read it in front of Russian, not to learn English.

on more than adequately:
hebético / a [ebEtiko / a] everything related to puberty

Joya [Hoya] - Jewel,

joyel [hoyel] - a small gem,

joyería [Hoyer] jewelry store, in the colloquial pronunciation is often heard as "hueriya.

ébano [Ebano]-black tree (hence the well-known "ebony")

ebenaceo [ebenAseo] - Ebony (referring to the black tree)

ebanista [EbanIsta] master cabinetmaker ...

Maybe You have to remember something, memorable and striking?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

When Can I Drive After Gallbladder Surgery


Language is the key to communication, it is clear that using the language of facial expressions and gestures will not get far. A ride to live accounts in different places, and communicate in different languages.

idea to create a society of people who have a need for discussing the problems of development of foreign language, on the surface.

Just like the already existing virtual community is not always an open, for everyone. I'm trying to correct this injustice.
Come, talk, ask and answer questions!