Monday, September 14, 2009

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Dictionary edition "El País" gives the word "homosexual" as synonym to the word "bugger"

Network Dictionary popular daily newspaper "El País" to the word "pederasta" (besides "pedófilo" "paidófilo") gives its list of synonyms of the word "homosexual", "invertido (inverted)", "sodomita" y "marica" (homo). As an antonym for this to him, however, is the word "heterosexual"!

it anyway, big mistake, especially given the seriousness of this publication: if it is done deliberately so, by entrenched homophobia. If not, then it is strange that those responsible for the tool that the very publication of "El País" touts as "Product of Santillana *" (editorial, belonging to the same corporate group) did not examine carefully the contents of the program.

Although this case is the most serious, there is in this dictionary, and other dubious examples.

The mere fact that the dictionary offers as a synonym for the word "homosexual" (in addition to the word "gay"): "marica" (homo), "invertido" (inverted), "sarasa" (Sissy) y "de la otra acera "(across the street), without understanding, at least offensive or derogatory nature of these terms.

Dictionary also offers "lesbiana", although this word is at last place, for others "as synonyms. The word "lesbiana", as the key, however, does not even appear in the dictionary ... Everything pertaining to lesbians invisible what?

disturbing as the fact that the vocabulary of "El País" still defines matrimonio "(marriage) as any of the following three values:

" Unión de un hombre y una mujer que se comprometen mediante determinados ritos o formalidades legales a vivir juntos "(Union men and women who take charge through certain ceremonies or legal formalities, to live together),

"Pareja que forman el marido y la mujer" (The pair, which is formed husband and wife)

and En la religión católica, sacramento que da un carácter sagrado y perpetuo a esta unión (In Catholicism, the sacrament which makes the sacred and permanent the union)

And no mention of same-sex marriage pairs, already adopted in several countries (at the moment - in seven countries) and in six U.S. states, in accordance with legal regulations. Although this value has already stated in a much more prestigious dictionaries, such as María Moliner (English) or Merriam-Webster (in English).

* (El nombre de Santillana, vinculado a los libros de texto, está presente en todo el ámbito de la lengua española, tanto en Spain and Latin America. From the first moments of entering the educational publishing world, more than 40 years, Santillana has been synonymous with quality, innovation and service to teachers and escuela.Nuestros editorial teams have incorporated into their way of making capacity interpret the needs of different educational situations and to formulate responses tailored to very different circumstances.)

http://www.dosmanzanas .com/2009/09/el-diccionario-online-de-el-pais-ofrece-homosexual-como-sinonimo-de-pederasta.html

Перевод: Ricardo block


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