Sunday, September 13, 2009

Can Spinal Stenosis Paralyze You

all parties involved in e-business received by e-points!


(hear obstsentnuyu vocabulary where it also does not smell) .

Learn English often touched by the abundance of English is quite neutral words, in Russian did not sound very decent.

Not sure whether you want to specifically give the novice to learn English words, but I know that they in connection with its emotional coloring, memorized immediately and the rest of your life.

everything related to "buckle" begins with emotional perceptual Russian root "ebi":

hebilla [ebiyya] buckle
hebillaje [ebiyyahe] - all accessories related to the buckle
hebillero [ebiyero] - manufacturer of buckles
hebijón [ebihon] - shpinek (On buckle)

not want to discuss is banal pseudo-English phrase, known to almost all students: en el julio ojuelos para mi nieta ... [En el Julio oheelos couple Mi Nieto]. It seems a English non-existent.

Although in principle, "my granddaughter," so be it: mi nieta , very productive for the construction of the phrase sounded funny in Russian phrases.

Pedirás a mi nieta que te compre una hebilla después de perder el hebijón en la joyería .
[pedirAs a mi niet te ke kompre despues de una ebiya perder el ebihon en la Hoer] - ask my granddaughter, so bought the buckle after losing the peg in the jewelry store. Bizarre sounds.

Sometimes it's like to name Gomez [Gomes].

In the same context as perceived by a female name Ivon , when I present my Russian roommate: doña Ivon [dona ibon], it is the first time raises a smile. The neighbor's daughter is Jovana [DzhObana] is always a cue: so small, and already Dzhobana.

How nice that they do not know what we meditate!

Juez [huEs] judge, they really are full of huesami, but with huesami trifled with.

incidentally, about a joke: a friend of mine, a former student UDNa and says: "I'm terrible fleas!

juicio [huIsio] - judgments, condemnation

prejuicio [prehuIsio] - Prejudice

julepear [hulepeAr] punish, reprimand

"El Juez de apellido Gomez tenía muchos prejuicios contra las mujeres
[El huEs apeyIdo Gomes de muchos tenIa prehuIsios contra las muhEres] The judge's last name Gomez had a lot of prejudice against women.

phrase generally neutral, but try to read it in front of Russian, not to learn English.

on more than adequately:
hebético / a [ebEtiko / a] everything related to puberty

Joya [Hoya] - Jewel,

joyel [hoyel] - a small gem,

joyería [Hoyer] jewelry store, in the colloquial pronunciation is often heard as "hueriya.

ébano [Ebano]-black tree (hence the well-known "ebony")

ebenaceo [ebenAseo] - Ebony (referring to the black tree)

ebanista [EbanIsta] master cabinetmaker ...

Maybe You have to remember something, memorable and striking?


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